Leading Engineer As A Versatile Profession

Leading Engineer As A Versatile Profession
Leading Engineer As A Versatile Profession

A decade ago, the engineering profession was considered one of the most unpopular and lowest paid. Today, competent engineering specialists are required in all spheres of industry and their work is adequately appreciated.

Leading engineer as a versatile profession
Leading engineer as a versatile profession

The specifics of the profession of a leading engineer

The term engineer appeared in the Middle Ages in Italy, and acquired a professional meaning in the 16th century in Holland. Specialists-engineers appeared in Russia in the era of Peter I. Engineers of steel in the 70-80s of the XX century are especially in demand on the labor market in our country.

Engineering is one of the most popular professions today. A competent leading engineer is a professional who knows not only the technology and organization of production in the relevant industry, but also aspects of the economy, jurisprudence, and labor protection standards.

An engineering specialist must have fundamental knowledge in technical disciplines, know mathematical analysis, drawing, materials science, have knowledge in the field of natural sciences and in the corresponding highly specialized direction.

Engineering specialties include: Mechanical Engineer, Electrical Engineer, Civil Engineer, Design Engineer, Communications Engineer, Telecommunications Engineer, Documentation Engineer, Test Engineer, Process Engineer, Labor Protection Engineer, Cadastral Engineer, Design Engineer, environmental engineer, etc. These specialties are used in the automotive industry, shipbuilding, tank building, aircraft engineering, instrument making, mechanical engineering, etc.

The engineer develops projects, technical documentation, participates in scientific and design tests, monitors the quality of the work performed, checks their compliance with technical standards, etc.

Personal qualities of a leading engineer

Due to the specifics of the profession, an engineer is required, first of all, to be responsible, patient, scrupulous, methodical and observant. When working with equipment, technical objects and technological processes, it is necessary to observe the utmost care, caution, perseverance, because the mistake of a specialist engineer can be costly.

In addition, an engineer must have creativity, spatial imagination, ingenuity, purposefulness, initiative, organizational skills, decision-making and forecasting skills, communication skills, accuracy, and honesty.

An important quality for a representative of the engineering profession is curiosity, an engineer must successfully adapt to progress, to advances in technology, new technological conditions, he needs to master new technology, acquire new knowledge and skills.
