Specialists with higher technical education are required everywhere. If you are in the process of looking for a job, you need to write and present your resume to the employer in a way that reflects your work experience, professional knowledge and skills. It is better if you write a resume of an engineer for a specific vacancy, knowing the requirements that are imposed on the candidacy of the applicant by the employer.

Step 1
Check out the resume forms and samples on the Internet. Analyze which of them you like more from the point of view of the one who is looking for such specialists. Take such a resume as a basis and write your own, taking into account some of the features that will allow the employer to pay attention to yours.
Step 2
Pay attention to the design of this important document. It shouldn't be too long. It's good if you manage to fit it on one sheet. In this case, you have to use a small font, but the text must be readable. Write it in compliance with paragraphs and red lines. Highlight visually important information such as business names, job titles, and educational institutions in bold. Structure it to highlight logical blocks.
Step 3
Education and the additional knowledge you gained during your work can tell a lot about you. In addition to the name of the institute that you graduated from, mention the technical conferences in which you took part, refresher courses - everything that may indicate that your technical knowledge is kept up to date, that you are aware of the latest innovations and developments.
Step 4
When describing work experience, pay attention to those job duties you are performing that may be useful for this vacancy. Use quantitative indicators that can characterize the quality of your work. You can mention the cost of the projects in the work on which you participated, the physical parameters of the machines and units that were serviced or operated by you.
Step 5
When talking about your professional skills, be sure to mention knowledge of specialized programs and general ability to use a computer to solve applied engineering problems. These skills, which are also necessary for an engineer, include the ability to work with technical documentation and literature, finding the necessary information and using the latest scientific developments in their work. Mark your knowledge of foreign languages and technical translation skills.