Telemarketing is one of the most effective sales tools. The effectiveness of using this method depends on the communication skills of the seller and the degree of his preparation.

Step 1
Before you start selling by phone, develop a call script. To do this, set a goal, i.e. what do you want to achieve from the interlocutor. The goal should be achievable, measurable in quantity and in time, sufficiently ambitious and specific. The result of the call should be a call to action, i.e. the customer after the conversation should want to buy a product or service.
Step 2
Determine the needs of your target audience. When a client picks up the phone, he usually has two questions: is the call intended for him and why he needs it. Put yourself in the shoes of the other person and think about what they want to hear from you.
Step 3
Work through possible objections. They can relate to both the product or service itself, or be the result of negative experience with such companies. Stock up on positive examples that you can voice: "Such and such a company bought from us … and increased production by 30%." A concrete example will inspire the disposition and credibility of your products.
Step 4
With telephone sales, you do not see the face of the interlocutor, his reaction to your offer or questions, so use the power of the word and the corresponding intonation. Communicate emotionally, smile into the phone. The client will definitely feel this and will be imbued with trust.
Step 5
Have a deep knowledge of the product you are selling. If a customer catches you by surprise, don't get lost. Refer to the fact that check this point with your manager or other competent person. And be sure to provide this information on your next call. This will just be the reason for repeated communication.
Step 6
End the conversation with specific agreements. If the goal was not achieved the first time, do not be discouraged. Ask the client for permission to call back. You will prepare more carefully, because some of the information is already known. And be sure to thank for your attention, even if the interlocutor did not buy anything.