How To Register The Result Of The Inventory

How To Register The Result Of The Inventory
How To Register The Result Of The Inventory

Table of contents:


Inventory is a check of the actual availability of property, subject to its mandatory calculation, measurement, and so on. Inventory can be mandatory or voluntary. Regardless of the type of inventory, its results must be drawn up correctly, observing all the necessary conditions.

How to register the result of the inventory
How to register the result of the inventory


  • - sheets of paper;
  • - pen.


Step 1

In order to draw up the result of the inventory, draw up an inventory act or an inventory (at least in two copies) in the form approved by the government.

Step 2

Inform all financially responsible persons about the need to give a receipt on the absence of claims to the members of the commission, confirming their presence during the inspection of the property by the commission. Make sure that the inventory is signed by all members of the commission, financially responsible persons, as well as the person who accepted the material values for storage and the person who confirms the accuracy of the data presented in the inventory.

Step 3

If necessary (if deviations of the accounting data from the actual data are revealed), draw up a collation statement.

Step 4

Fill out documents without mistakes and blots, clearly and clearly. If you nevertheless made a mistake, cross out the incorrect data, and indicate the correct data above, above the cross. Remember that all corrections must be submitted to and signed by members of the commission and financially responsible persons.

Step 5

On each page of the inventory act, indicate in words the amount of material values (serial numbers) and the total result of the values recorded on the page (regardless of units of measurement).

Step 6

If there are blank lines in the inventory, be sure to put dashes in them! Make sure that the check mark with all the necessary signatures is on the last page of the inventory statement.

Step 7

Remember that if in the process of registering the results of the inventory, any requirements were violated or errors were made, then the data in the accounting statements may be considered unreliable, and the results of the inventory may be invalid. Be very careful when registering the results of the inventory!
