Not always a person planning to start growing and producing agricultural products has the opportunity to buy a suitable land plot. In this case, the way out is to conclude a lease agreement with the owner of the land plot.

- - cadastral plan of the land plot;
- - certificate of ownership of the land.
Step 1
Be sure to draw up a written contract. In it, describe in detail the land plot to be leased. To do this, use the information from the cadastral plan and other documents available to the owner. Indicate the area, location, description of the land plot.
Step 2
Determine for how long the contract is concluded. When concluding a lease agreement for real estate for a period of more than a year, the agreement is subject to mandatory registration and is considered concluded from the moment of such registration. Therefore, it is better to conclude a contract for eleven months. Indicate that after this period, the contract will be renewed. Keep in mind that in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the term condition is insignificant, therefore the parties to the lease agreement have the right not to include this clause in the agreement.
Step 3
Write down in the agreement the amount of rent and the period in which the tenant will be obliged to transfer the required amount to the lessor. Also, don't forget to add the rights and obligations of the parties. Determine whether the tenant will have the right to use the reservoirs and structures located on the leased area, who will own the income from the sale of products grown on the leased area. Try to indicate in the contract all significant and controversial points that may arise in the process of using the land.
Step 4
The long-term relationship of the parties to the contract depends on you. Therefore, include in the contract penalties or other form of liability of the parties for non-compliance with the terms of the agreement. The agreement must be drawn up in two copies, and in the case of its state registration - in three. Sign all copies.