The marriage registration document is the first evidence of the newly created family, which confirms the union of the spouses into a union. In the event that one of the newlyweds changes the surname data after marriage, the certificate will need to be presented to reissue the passport.

A marriage registration certificate is issued by the registry office, after which it may be required in various instances for paperwork, for example, when changing a surname or confirming legal relations between people.
Document Attributes
The certificate is an approved form, made at the Goznak factory on stamped paper, it is numbered and belongs to strict reporting forms. If the form is damaged, an act of writing it off is drawn up, the number consisting of the series and the actual serial number is entered into the database as invalid. Usually, once a quarter, such certificates are destroyed by a special commission.
When filling out a certificate of state registration of marriage, the following information about both newlyweds is entered in the columns:
- full surname, name and patronymic;
- date, month and year of birth, as well as the place of birth of each spouse;
- data on the citizenship and nationality of the spouses;
- the number of the conclusion of the marriage union;
- date of compilation of the form and its record number;
- the place where the marriage was concluded, that is, the name of the registry office;
- the date, month and year of the issue of the marriage registration document.
In most cases, the forms are filled in by typewritten method, however, in villages and remote settlements, you can still find evidence in which information was entered by hand with an ordinary black ballpoint pen. You cannot fill the form with gel paste.
Each certificate is signed by the head of the registry office and certified by the official seal. Without these details, the document is considered invalid.
In contrast to the divorce certificate, which is given to each of the former spouses, the registration certificate is issued only one per married couple. In case of loss of the certificate, a duplicate with a new registration number is issued, a blue stamp "Duplicate" is put in the corner of the form
Legislative novelties
This year, the registry office in the Russian Federation plans to introduce new samples of forms for registration of a marriage union. The marriage form will contain new columns in which it will be necessary to indicate the education and nationality of both spouses, which is planned to be done for the purpose of statistical registration of citizens. In addition to all this, the act will also include data on the presence of common children in future spouses, since today, cases of registration of relations after a long "civil" union are not uncommon.
Items that duplicate marriage information
After the registration of the family union, a seal is put in the passports of both spouses, indicating the state registration of marriage, with the full surname, name and patronymic of the partner, the date, month and year of his birth.
I would like to note that in accordance with the legislation of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, a marriage that is concluded outside the registry office is considered invalid. So, for example, a perfect wedding ceremony in a church, or the conclusion of a marriage according to national traditions, will not bear legal force. It follows from this that it is impossible to obtain a marriage certificate on the basis of these actions.