The extent to which you will adhere to it in your activities depends on how correctly you understand the law. Correct interpretation and analysis of articles will make life easier for you and your loved ones.

Step 1
Read the law slowly. Try to think about individual phrases. In laws, unlike fiction, there is not a single superfluous word, so pay attention to each of them. The missing part of the sentence can give you the wrong idea of the state of affairs.
Step 2
Understand that the language in which the law is written does not contain literary devices. Think of the text of the document as a mathematical formula.
Step 3
Highlight the main thing from each sentence. The phrases used to construct a document can be long and difficult to understand. Think back to your school years and highlight in each sentence the main and secondary members, as in the lessons of the Russian language. This way you will not distort the meaning of what you have written and do not miss important details.
Step 4
Check as you read to see if you understand what is being written. Don't leave incomprehensible terms. All definitions should fit in your head. Also, ask yourself additional questions about what you read. If you can answer them, then you have succeeded in reading and analyzing the legislative act.
Step 5
Discard your previous experience. The data you received before may be incorrect or outdated. Then they will only create blocks that prevent the complete assimilation of information. Do not speculate, find answers to your questions in other laws.
Step 6
Check if you have checked the content of the law correctly. To do this, read the other documents related to your question. If they do not contradict your opinion, then you have learned the essence of the law correctly.
Step 7
Try to read all the parts of the law related to your question. In addition to the main provisions, they may contain notes and exceptions.
Step 8
Try to put yourself in the place of the legislator and understand whose interests he wanted to protect by issuing this law, what disputes he was trying to prevent, what was guided by when applying this or that punishment. By understanding the motives of the rule makers and what drives them, you will better understand them.