Order As A Type Of Document

Order As A Type Of Document
Order As A Type Of Document

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The activity of any enterprise is regulated by regulatory enactments, which allows it to be carried out in accordance with current legislation. But to solve organizational issues related to the main production and the relationship between the employer and employees, the company develops local administrative documents, which include the order.

Order as a type of document
Order as a type of document


Step 1

The responsibility and right of the management of any enterprise is to carry out executive and administrative activities through the publication of organizational and administrative documents. These documents, strictly in accordance with applicable laws, regulate the main activities of each organization. Organizational and administrative documents, for example, include an order, decision, resolution, order. Such a local regulatory document, such as an order, usually concerns a limited number of employees and has an expiration date. It is published on behalf of the head of the enterprise to resolve operational issues related to the main activities of this legal entity.

Step 2

A single-handed decision is a legal document with legal consequences and force. Therefore, it is drawn up, just like orders, on the company's letterhead, indicating its details and certified by the signature of the head. When making a decision, one should be guided by GOST R 6.30-2003 "On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for labor accounting and remuneration." The details that must be specified without fail include: the full name of the enterprise, the name of the document - "Order", the date and registration number in accordance with the nomenclature of organizational and administrative documentation approved by the enterprise.

Step 3

In the ascertaining part of the order, the reasons and events that are the reason for its issuance must be indicated. If the basis for making a decision is any regulatory document, you must refer to it and provide its full details. This part of the text, as a rule, ends not with a full stop, but with the words "DUE" or "OFFER", followed by the administrative part of this document. Its text is written in an imperative mood and contains one or more paragraphs indicating the divisions and their leaders or positions and the names of those employees to whom this order directly relates.

Step 4

The final part of the document indicates the name and position of the employee who is entrusted with control over the execution of this order. The manager himself, on whose behalf the order was issued, cannot be the person controlling its execution. The text of this document must be certified not only by the signature of the head, but also by the seal of the enterprise.
