Despite the fact that there is no established form of a power of attorney for representing interests, there are a number of mandatory details and a procedure for drawing up a power of attorney that must be followed.

General details
One of the common requisites is the place of the power of attorney. This is the name of the settlement, being in which, the principal transfers the representation of his own interests to the authorized person. If the principal is an individual, the power of attorney must be notarized. The required requisite is the date of issue of the power of attorney, written in words. It is also necessary to indicate in words the validity period of the power of attorney.
The power of attorney without specifying the date of issue is invalid! If the validity period is not specified in the power of attorney, it is considered valid for a year from the date of its issue!
The details of the principal and the trustee
For the principal - a legal entity, in the power of attorney, it is necessary to indicate the legal and actual address, full name, TIN / KPP, information about state registration, last name, first name and patronymic of the head as well as a document, on the basis of which the head has the right to sign powers of attorney. Organizations most often have their own power of attorney form, developed on the basis of a letterhead. This is convenient, since the letterhead already contains all the necessary details of the organization. If the principal is an individual, it is necessary to indicate the surname, name and patronymic of the principal, his date of birth, address and passport data. After listing the details of the principal, indicate the surname, name and patronymic of the authorized person, his place of residence and passport data.
The power of attorney is valid only upon presentation of the passport of the authorized person!
The signatures of the principal and the authorized person are required in the power of attorney. On behalf of the legal entity, the power of attorney is signed by the head of the organization authorized by the constituent documents. A power of attorney issued by a legal entity must be certified by the seal of the legal entity.
Powers of a representative
In the power of attorney, it is necessary to outline the range of powers of the authorized person - what interests he will represent and where. If the principal needs to delegate representation of interests in several state bodies - for example, in court, tax inspection, social insurance fund, at auctions and so on, then the power of attorney is issued for representation in each state body separately.