In the course of economic activity, company leaders conclude contracts for the supply of goods with contractors. In some cases, inventory items are taken by the buyer himself, that is, the trustee. To ensure the security of the transaction, the buyer must issue a power of attorney for his employee to receive goods and materials (form No. M-2).

Step 1
Start filling out the power of attorney by indicating the serial number of the document, the date of issue and the validity period. As a rule, the period of validity of the form should not exceed three years. Indicate the position of the employee (according to the staffing table) and full name.
Step 2
Write the name of the supplier just below; specify all the details of the document on the basis of which the goods will be issued (invoice, delivery note, etc.).
Step 3
Please indicate the name of your organization below (according to the delivery agreement); fill in the power of attorney number and date of issue. Write the validity period of the document. Enter the full name of the payer, consumer and their legal addresses. Also indicate the TIN of the organizations. If the consumer and the payer are the same person, you can indicate this in the line by writing “He is the same”.
Step 4
Next, enter the information regarding the authorized person, that is, enter his passport details. Specify the document-base.
Step 5
Then you will see a tabular section in which you will need to enter information about inventory items. First put down the serial number; indicate the full name of the product (according to the invoice, consignment note or other document); write the units of measure; indicate the number, and this must be done in words, for example, "eight".
Step 6
After all the data on inventory items are entered, give the power of attorney to the employee for review. In the upper right corner in the tabular section, he must sign. Below, the head of the company or another person acting under a power of attorney must authenticate the signature.
Step 7
Give the power of attorney for signature to the head and chief accountant. Affix all information with the blue stamp of the organization's seal.