If you need to receive money - some kind of one-time payment, bank deposit, salary, royalties, etc., and you personally cannot do this, write out a power of attorney. You can appoint any adult person or organization as your representative. If the need for a power of attorney disappears, you can always cancel the executed document.

- - fill in the power of attorney form;
- - to certify a document.
Step 1
Check with your future representative for the exact information about him. If we are talking about an individual, you will need his full name, passport data, registration (registration) address. If you intend to entrust the receipt of money to a legal entity, find out its exact name, data on its state registration, TIN, legal and actual addresses, and if the organization is foreign - also information on accreditation.
Step 2
Draw up a power of attorney in accordance with the sample. You can write a document on a plain sheet of paper or print it out on a printer. If you need to notarize a document, you will receive a completed power of attorney at the notary's office. A power of attorney to receive money from a bank deposit can be issued directly at the bank - in this case, you will also receive a form of the established form or a sample of filling out the document on the spot
Step 3
Be sure to indicate in the text of the power of attorney the date in words and the place of execution of the document, otherwise the document will be invalidated.
Step 4
Write detailed information about yourself: full name, registration address, passport data. If you are a representative of a legal entity, indicate the name of your organization, state registration data, TIN, legal and actual addresses. Representative information (step 1 of this manual) should also be specified in detail in the dative case.
Step 5
Describe in detail in which organization or from which individual your representative will have to receive the money and what kind of payment it is. For example, “receive at the cash desk of Romashka LLC, located at the address …, the salary due to me for April 2012 and carry out all actions related to this order”.
Step 6
Indicate if your representative can delegate authority to someone.
Step 7
Indicate the validity period of the document. The maximum power of attorney can be issued for three years. If you do not put down the validity period, the document will lose its legal force in a year.
Step 8
Please note that you need to sign the document in the presence of the person who will certify the power of attorney. In addition to the notary and bank employees, this can be the head doctor of the hospital (if you are undergoing treatment), the commander of your military unit, the head of the housing maintenance organization at the place of residence, the head of your company (if we are talking about a power of attorney for receiving wages), the head of an educational institution (if you need to get a scholarship for you), etc. Read more about this in Article 185 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
Step 9
Give the signed and certified power of attorney to your representative.