Powers of attorney are issued for the right to use transport, to represent the interests of the enterprise in state bodies, to receive money from the client for services rendered, to receive material values from the supplier. But they all have common filling rules.

Step 1
Fill in the powers of attorney on paper or electronically. At the same time, be sure to register them in the logbook of issued powers of attorney, which is laced, numbered and sealed by the enterprise.
Step 2
Indicate the name of your organization, OKPO, bank details, legal address in the column "name of the payer".
Step 3
Assign a serial number to the power of attorney and put the date of issue.
Step 4
Be sure to write the expiration date of the power of attorney.
Step 5
To correctly fill out the power of attorney, you must accurately indicate the name of the service provider or product, its legal address.
Step 6
Enter the last name, first name, patronymic and position of the employee in whose name the power of attorney is issued in the dative case and indicate his passport details.
Step 7
On the reverse side of the power of attorney, indicate the list of funds or material assets received, and their amount. Be sure to write with a capital letter, from the beginning of the line, in words. In order to prevent annotations, put a dash in the empty space.
Step 8
Sign the power of attorney with the head of the company, chief accountant, put a seal in the middle of the cut line of the power of attorney and the spine.
Step 9
Give the power of attorney against the signature of the person in whose name it is issued. The signature is placed in the power of attorney itself and in the registration log for its receipt.
Step 10
On the spine, be sure to fill in the date and number of the power of attorney, its validity period, last name, first name and patronymic of the person for whom the power of attorney was issued, his signature, and the name of the supplier.
Step 11
You need to fill out the power of attorney and give it to the supplier through a trusted person, and keep the back for yourself and attach it to the accounting log.
Step 12
If powers of attorney are returned due to expiration, they must be kept during the reporting year. Then destroy and draw up an appropriate act.
Step 13
At the supplier of services and goods, the power of attorney, along with the documents for their leave, is submitted to the accounting department.
Step 14
Do not allow corrections when writing out a power of attorney.