When an enterprise or organization has a need to receive inventory or cash from its partners, an official power of attorney is drawn up in the name of the employee responsible for carrying out these actions. The accounting department is responsible for the correct execution and issuance of powers of attorney.

- - power of attorney form,
- - employee's passport.
Step 1
For these purposes, the unified "Form M-2 a" is used. Be sure to indicate in the head of the document the full name and OKPO of the enterprise, its serial number and date of issue, as well as the validity period of the power of attorney (15 days).
Step 2
Indicate the full name of the payer, the postal address of the organization, its current account, the name of the payer's bank, the details of the recipient. If the payer and the consumer are the same organization, write “the same” in the “Consumer” field. If you need to get goods and materials from the supplier, fill in the appropriate field.
Step 3
Enter in the appropriate fields the passport details of the employee who is authorized to receive goods or funds, indicate his full name.
Step 4
Enter the name, number and date of the document according to which you need to receive goods and materials. This can be a paid invoice, a payment order, an invoice for the delivery of products with a deferred payment date.
Step 5
Write a list of inventory items that you need to receive by power of attorney. Ask the employee to create a sample signature in the appropriate field.
Step 6
Sign the power of attorney, it is certified by the chief accountant and the head of the organization.
Step 7
For a report on the execution of the power of attorney, attach a cash document certifying the delivery of money to the cashier or bank (cash receipt or payment order for the transfer of funds), or an incoming invoice to the warehouse, if the power of attorney was issued to receive goods and materials.