The State Labor Inspectorate is a body that exercises state supervision over the implementation of labor legislation. Thus, citizens whose rights are infringed upon by the employer have the right to file a complaint with the labor dispute commission, or immediately with the State Labor Inspectorate.

Step 1
The complaint must be written to the director of the State Labor Inspectorate. In it, briefly state the essence of the dispute and, if possible, list the articles and paragraphs of the articles of regulatory legal acts that, in your opinion, were violated. Be brief but complete. The complaint must contain all the necessary data, which may be the basis for an unscheduled inspection by the State Labor Inspectorate in the organization of your employer.
For example, you have not received wages for a long time, which is the basis for your dismissal, but now you cannot receive payment. If possible, attach documents confirming this fact to the complaint.
Step 2
Then indicate the period of work in this company, the presence or absence of penalties, for which period they did not receive wages, the date of dismissal, the number of unused vacations and the amount owed by the company to you.
Step 3
State your requirements clearly below. For example: "Based on the foregoing, I ask you to take action against Sphinx LLC represented by director Ivan Ivanovich Ivanovich and oblige him to pay me the wage arrears for the period from August 1, 2010 to February 1, 2011 in the amount of 50,000 rubles."
Step 4
At the bottom of the text, put the date, signature and decryption of the signature.
Step 5
The State Labor Inspectorate will consider your complaint within 30 days. This period is reduced by 10 days if the basis of the complaint is the unlawful dismissal of a worker who is a union member. But there are cases when this period can be extended by 30 days, but then the person who filed the complaint must be notified in writing.
Step 6
The State Labor Inspectorate has broad powers, on the basis of which it has the right to conduct an unscheduled check in an organization on issues of compliance with labor legislation, issue binding instructions, and also go to court with a request to suspend the activities of an organization that does not eliminate violations.