How To Amend An Employment Contract

How To Amend An Employment Contract
How To Amend An Employment Contract

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An employment contract is a document on which the relationship of a specific employee with a specific employer is based. The employment contract must contain information about the place of work, job function, the period for which the employment contract was concluded, the amount of remuneration, and other essential working conditions specified in article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.


Step 1

Often there is a need to change the essential working conditions reflected in the employment contract. For example, the employee's salary is increased, or the employer and the employee, instead of an urgent one, decided to conclude an employment contract for an indefinite period. In this case, changes are made to the current employment contract.

Step 2

Article 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation contains a provision stating that the terms of an employment contract can be changed only by agreement of the parties. That is, the initiative for such changes can come from one of the parties. For example, an employee asks for a wage increase or the employer offers the employee another job. However, coercion to change the terms of an employment contract is unacceptable, although it is sometimes practiced by employers in one form or another.

Step 3

Having come to an agreement on changing the terms of the employment contract, the parties - the employer and the employee - draw up it in writing. As a rule, such an agreement indicates which clauses of the employment contract are subject to change, they are set out in a new edition. If multiple changes are made to the employment contract, it is allowed to present the employment contract in a new edition, indicating the date from which such a new edition begins to operate.
