How To Amend A Municipal Contract

How To Amend A Municipal Contract
How To Amend A Municipal Contract

Table of contents:


It is fundamentally wrong to consider state and municipal contracts to be the same in content. In the first case, the subject of the contract is a state institution, and in the second - a municipal body of local self-government.

How to amend a municipal contract
How to amend a municipal contract


Step 1

As it is clear from the very name of the contract, the municipality is the customer. The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the right of the local administration to meet the needs necessary for the normal functioning of the government, at the expense of the local budget. At the same time, the budget serves as a "limiter" for the administration's spending - it is forbidden to spend more money on the needs of the municipality than its size allows. The contract with the supplier is concluded in writing, on behalf of a specific municipality of the Russian Federation. It can be concluded in the name of another organization, which, by law, is entitled to funding from the local budget.

Step 2

A supply or work contract is concluded with the contractor who wins a special tender. After its conclusion, not all conditions of the contract are subject to change. For example, the price is a significant participation and is by no means subject to change. The only possible option for changing the price of the contract may be a change in the value of those goods, the production and sale of which are under the full control of the state. However, with an additional order of the same goods, the supplier has the right to change their cost, but by prior agreement with the customer.

Step 3

It is strictly forbidden to change the amount of fines, penalties and forfeits stipulated by the municipal agreement initially - they cannot be changed either unilaterally or with the mutual consent of the parties. If the configuration, complete set or other technical characteristics have been changed or supplemented under the influence of time, the customer has the right to refuse to accept them or to require additional verification of their quality and compatibility. He is not obliged to accept goods in a smaller / larger volume than was stated in the contract.

Step 4

Special instructions apply to contracts concluded in the absence of any competitors from the future supplier - their conditions are absolutely not subject to any change.
