A passport is the main document of a citizen of the Russian Federation, confirming his identity. Every person who has reached the age of fourteen must have a passport. But what if the passport needs to be replaced?

Step 1
If your passport has been stolen, then first contact the police station. It is there, on the basis of your application, that you should be given a document confirming the theft.
Step 2
Contact the office of the Federal Migration Service (FMS) at your place of residence. This organization is engaged in issuing passports in the event of expiration, loss or theft. You can find the address of the local branch on the official website of the organization at www.fms.gov.ru. From the main page, go to the section "Interactive map of FMS branches". You will see a map on which the subjects of the federation will be highlighted. Click on one of them and you will see the address and telephone number of the FMS branch.
Step 3
Contact the FMS employee and inform him that you want to change your passport. You will be given an application form that you must complete. Indicate in it your personal data: last name, first name and patronymic, date and place of birth, gender, marital status. Next, you will need information about your parents. Then write the address where you live and the reason for the exchange of your passport - upon expiration (if you change the document at twenty or forty-five years), due to loss or theft. Do not forget to include the date of completion and your personal signature.
Step 4
For those who have lost their passport or have lost it in another way, it is necessary to write another application, already in free form. In it, you must describe the reasons for your lack of an identity document. At the top of the page, write the name of the organization - the territorial body of the FMS in your region, republic or territory. The title must contain the word "Application".
Step 5
Then introduce yourself and describe the current situation. If you have lost your passport, indicate the place and date where you last saw it, and your assumptions about where it may have been lost. If your document has become unusable, explain why, whether it was caused by rain, fire or other factors. People who have become victims of theft must state the circumstances of the case in accordance with the police protocol and also indicate the time and place of the theft of the document. At the end, put your name, signature and date.