Nowadays, an increasing number of citizens are concerned about the need to acquire weapons: someone needs it for hunting, and someone associates hopes for security with it. The procedure for obtaining a license is not too complicated, but you will have to run around.

Step 1
Find out the address where the licensing and permitting department at the police department of your area is located and specify its opening hours.
Step 2
Obtain certificates from the psychological and narcological dispensaries that you are not registered with them, and issue a medical certificate in the form 046-1.
Step 3
Submit the following documents to the licensing and permitting department: a civil passport and its copy, 2 photographs 3x4, medical certificates and a completed application for a permit.
Step 4
Pay for the receipt in accordance with the details that you can specify in the LRO.
Step 5
Purchase a safe for storing weapons. In the process of considering your application, a district police officer will most likely come to you in order to check the storage conditions for future weapons.
Step 6
After obtaining a license, you can, upon its presentation, acquire the weapon for which you have a permit.
Step 7
After purchasing a weapon, do not forget to register it with your LRO.