The amount that is guaranteed to be paid for work is clearly indicated in the employment contract and signed by both parties, the employer and the employee. Any change in salary must be documented. Under the law, an employee must be notified two months in advance of a change in salary. But you can raise your salary without warning in advance. It is unlikely that any employee will file a complaint with the court or the labor inspectorate for the fact that his salary was increased and not warned in advance.

- -order
- -additional agreement
- -new staffing table
Step 1
An order for an increase in salary must be issued for each employee separately. There is no unified form for this order, therefore it is drawn up in a free form. It indicates from what date and month the salary will be increased, for what reason it was increased, the full name of the employee, his position and the number of the structural unit in which this employee works. The employee is introduced to the order on receipt.
Step 2
If several employees with the same position work at the enterprise or in its structural divisions, then everyone should increase the salary, although there is no direct indication of these actions in labor legislation.
Step 3
An additional agreement to the employment contract is concluded to increase the amount of salary. It indicates the full name of the employee, the size of the new salary, position, structural unit and the date when the agreement comes into force. The agreement is drawn up in duplicate and signed by both parties. One remains with the employer, another copy is given to the employee.
Step 4
Next, a new staffing table is drawn up. The duties of an employee whose salary has been increased may be expanded or remain the same. Everything is at the discretion of the head of the enterprise.
Step 5
The accounting department of the enterprise must receive an indication of the accrual of salary in the appropriate amount from the time specified in the order.