An entrepreneur is a person who independently organizes work for himself. Accordingly, he himself earns a living. To do this, he must have many necessary qualities.

Business qualities
An entrepreneur, like a person who has decided to work for himself, must have courage. He is responsible for the entire organization, as well as the workflow. The entrepreneur is personally responsible for all the results of the work.
Only decisiveness will allow an entrepreneur to start his own business. An indecisive person will continue to work for others.
If the entrepreneur employs hired people, then he must make regular social insurance payments. As a consequence, a businessman must be responsible and conscientious in relation to his employees. Bad faith can backfire against the employer.
The ability to predict is an important quality for an entrepreneur. Before starting his own business, he must analyze the demand of the population for goods and services. The wrong forecast can cause the collapse of the whole case.
A businessman must calculate his activities several steps ahead. This will help him to foresee different options for the development of a particular situation.
The entrepreneur must be easy to learn. In addition to solid basic knowledge, he will have to constantly master new directions in business, and this is associated with a large amount of information. A businessman needs not only to master them successfully, but also to correctly apply them in his work.
Business acumen is one of the core qualities of an entrepreneur. It manifests itself in the adherence to principles with which a businessman defends his point of view on certain issues. He must be confident in his position, only then will he be successful.
Personal qualities
A businessman must be sociable. It is the ability to quickly find a common language with people that will allow him to establish the necessary connections necessary for a successful result in work. To do this, an entrepreneur needs to be a versatile person.
Resistance to stress is an important quality for a businessman. He must quickly respond to changing conditions and quickly make the right decision. This will require from him endurance, composure and the ability to navigate in the current situation.
An entrepreneur must keep an eye on his appearance. This will have a positive impact on the establishment of business relationships. In addition, he is obliged to be a model for his subordinates not only in dress, but also in punctuality. It is impossible to get employees to complete a task clearly if the manager does not require it from himself.
Literacy is also an essential quality of a businessman. Correct speech and writing, competent presentation will add respect to the personality of the entrepreneur. Good knowledge of your business will also be an important factor in doing business.