The leader is an important part of the team, he is a special employee of the organization and performs several main functions. These are planning, organization, development of motivation and control. The team will only achieve its goal when the leader is able to properly organize his work.

Step 1
There are several options for planning. Plan your work schedule taking into account the specifics of the organization. As a rule, the manager's working day is not limited. During the day, there are meetings and sessions, phone calls and document checks, site visits, etc. The time spent for each point of the working day must be observed according to the production need.
Step 2
The basis of the work of any organization is the planning of its workflow. To do this, the manager must clearly understand the mission and functions of the enterprise, as well as see the end result. Make a development plan, write down the expected results by years, quarters and months. Distribute the plan between departments or specific employees, depending on the size of the organization.
Step 3
Organize well-coordinated interaction of structural units. To do this, write down tasks for each department or workshop that together will lead to the desired result. Communicate these tasks to the heads of structural departments, distribute them by time and volume.
Step 4
In order for the tasks you have defined to be performed exactly in terms of volume and time, write down the motivation for employees. In addition to the salary stipulated in the labor contract, calculate the system of additional remuneration. These can be monthly or quarterly bonuses, discount vouchers to sanatoriums, etc. Keep the motivation system under control, it can periodically change for each employee. To do this, instruct the personnel service to keep notes in personal files; if the company is small and there is no separate HR department, keep track of the motivation yourself.
Step 5
Control over the process of implementation of the strategy developed by you is carried out jointly by the heads of departments. To do this, enter a system of meetings, monthly, weekly or quarterly, depending on the specifics of the organization. In these meetings, those who are repaired are held accountable for the fulfillment of the plan you have drawn up. The reasons for non-fulfillment, over-fulfillment are announced, and measures aimed at improving the performance indicators of the enterprise are discussed. Not only profit growth is taken into account, but also cost reduction.
Step 6
Continuously analyze the current state of the organization. Compare it with the benchmark that you developed at the beginning of your activity. Identify strengths and weaknesses, take timely measures to increase the efficiency of your enterprise. Currently, the world around us is subject to rapid and radical changes, and a successful leader must always be aware of events.