The wheel alignment procedure is recommended to be performed annually. It adjusts the steering of the car, making it more stable on the track and better heading. If you have sufficient knowledge about the device of the car, you can perform wheel alignment yourself.

Step 1
Place the vehicle on a lift or on a level horizontal platform located above the inspection pit. Begin the inspection by inspecting the steering wheel. Make sure that it does not change position when driving in a straight line, and the number of revolutions to the left and right sides are the same. Having installed the car, check the tire pressure and adjust it to the required value, make sure that the suspension and steering gear are securely attached. Tighten down bolts and nuts.
Step 2
Determine the amount of toe-in by calculating the difference in the distance between the front and rear points of the geometric axis of the wheel. For this operation, you can use a ruler or a chain with a tensioner, installing a scale and control chains on the telescopic tube device.
Step 3
Measure the toe-in. To do this, you need to install a ruler between the wheels in such a way that the telescopic tube rests against the sidewalls of the tires. In this case, the chains must touch the ground. Set the arrow on the scale to zero position by rolling the car forward and placing a ruler behind the geometric axis of the wheels. Determine the toe-in value by the arrow, correcting it if there is a deviation from the standards.
Step 4
Adjust the camber. Jack up the vehicle. Calculate the points of equal tire runout. To do this, use a firm hand rest and chalk. Move the chalk to the spinning wheel and mark the opposite protruding elements. Then turn the wheel so that the marks are vertical.
Step 5
Hang the load next to the wheel. The difference in the distance between the upper part of the rim and the load thread will be the amount of camber, which must be adjusted so that the interval is 1-5 mm. To do this, you need to add shims between the axis of the lever and the cross member.