Very few people regard their own work as a permanent holiday. They love their job and are always looking forward to the onset of a new working day. For them, work is not hard work, but a joyful event. To force yourself to love your job again, you need to identify what it is about the workflow that gives you pleasure. This task is not easy and can take a long time.

Study yourself
Determine what can make you happy. Make a list and take the time to write everything down on a piece of paper. Write any little thing, no matter how banal it may seem, write even if it does not concern your work. Your goal is to fully discover your needs. Ask yourself the question: "Why do these things or events make you happy?" Answer it for each item on the list. Likewise, make a specific list of things that depress you and make you feel depressed. Ask yourself why this is happening. Try to answer the questions honestly, get to the true cause of the discomfort. Finally, make a list of things or ideas that might motivate you to work. Making this list is hard enough, but it's an important part of what you need to know about yourself.
Study your work
Even if you stopped loving your work, for sure, there are things that you still like about it. Make a list of these things or events. Perhaps you like the fact that the place of work is not far from your home, you have friends among coworkers, or you have the opportunity to take long breaks during the working day. Write everything down on a piece of paper. Answer yourself to the question: "Why do you like these things?" List the negative aspects of the workflow in the same way. It should be simple, because these are the things that make you dislike your job. Determine why they are uncomfortable for you.
Often, the very process of looking for such things can positively affect the attitude towards work. Do this as often as possible.
Compare lists
Now take a list of things that make you happy and lists of things you like and dislike about your job. Find the most relevant items on these lists, write down the items from the work lists, and find the corresponding items from the first list (things that make you happy). For example, on a list about a job you write: “I don’t like that my boss is constantly hanging around me”, while the list about you contains an item “I like being in the company of different people”. Likewise, compare your lists of work to your list of things that make you unhappy. There may also be unusual coincidences here, for example, you like it when your boss is not disturbing you and you are immersed in work, but at the same time being alone makes you unhappy. After comparing the lists, write down any such contradictions on a separate sheet of paper. In the same way, write down things that confirm each other on these lists.
Keep making and comparing these lists for several weeks.
Take the necessary measures
To force yourself to love your job again, you will need to change yourself and your behavior. Preliminary work with lists will help you with this. Your goal is to continually find things (positive and negative) in your workflow that actually make you happy. For example, you may not like your work phone going on during the day, but remember that you enjoy talking to people. You don't like being asked to do extra work all the time, but you enjoy helping people. Get rid of the habit of constantly complaining about difficulties, stop focusing on the little things that annoy you at work. This almost always leads to stress and sometimes depression. Try to constantly find and focus on the things that make you happy. Finally, think about what things might motivate you to work. Any ideas you may have should be discussed with your immediate supervisor. they directly affect the workflow. It will take time, but your boss will also be interested in this, because this will have a positive effect not only on your work, but also on the work of the entire team.