If the employee is not disciplined and allows himself not to come to the place of his work, the employer can fire him for absenteeism. This procedure requires clear execution, because the lack of the necessary documents may give the employee a reason to go to court.

Step 1
If one of the employees did not come to the service, then his absence is marked with the letter "N" affixed in the report card. A boss standing one step higher, for example, a foreman at a factory, writes a memo on his own behalf about the fact of failure to appear in the name of the chief manager. Further, he must draw up an act of non-appearance at the workplace, in which the cause of such an incident remains undetected. The act is certified by the signatures of two witnesses, who are usually the truant's colleagues. If they want to increase the evidence base, if difficulties associated with the trial are foreseen, they can write explanatory notes that they did not see the absent on such and such a day.
Step 2
The reasons for absenteeism are found out by telephone or personal communication the next day, if the employee does show up. In the latter case, he must write an explanatory note about why he did not come to work. In case of refusal, an additional act of the type of the first is drawn up. If the employee never showed up, a letter or telegram is sent to him with a request to come and explain his absence. If the reason is disrespectful and it is decided not to be limited to disciplinary action, then the employee is subject to dismissal, about which an order is drawn up.
Step 3
The dismissal order must be written on behalf of the chief executive and brought to the attention of the truant against signature, the result of refusal to familiarize himself is again an act with the signatures of two witnesses. For those days of the current month when the employee was present at his workplace, he should calculate his salary, and if he did not have time to go on vacation, then monetary compensation for him. The latter is calculated using the formula: 2 days for each month worked. All funds are reflected in a paper statement handed to the non-returner.
Step 4
If the employee did not deign to appear after his absence, then a registered letter is sent to his address with a copy of the order and a request for permission to send the work book by mail. In it, as well as in the personal card, a record of the dismissal is made. If there is consent, the work book is sent, and if the employee still came for the calculation, then he must sign it and his personal card. If all points are observed, the employer can be sure of the indisputability of his decision, even in court. If at least one is missed: no act has been drawn up or there is no mark about notification letters in the outgoing correspondence journal, this can become a clue for filing a claim in court.