According to statistics, in Russia every fifth person over 23 years old needs a job. Many people prefer to look for work on their own, via the Internet. This is actively used by "black" employers, posting dubious vacancies on the sites. In order not to get into a mess, you need to carefully read the ads. Some details can tell that the work will be troublesome and unprofitable.

1. The promise of a large income in the absence of experience and special knowledge. Most often, under advertisements like: “Office work. High income. Experience and education don't matter.”Network marketing lurks. The task of these people is to build a pyramid of employees and impose on every “newcomer” to buy the company's products as a test check. Or you will be offered to ring up customers according to the existing database and persistently offer products. At the same time, the percentage of sales is extremely small.
2. List of vacancies in exchange for a signature in the contract. You found a decent job on the Internet, called and offered to come up for an interview. Upon meeting, it turned out that this is a "recruiting agency". Employees will promise you assistance in finding a job, provided that you sign an agreement on the transfer of pension savings to a non-state pension fund. Bottom line: Without signing anything, say goodbye to the staff and don't forget to return to the site to warn other people about the trap.
In 100% of cases, such agencies have nothing to do with employment. Their task is to find clients for private pension companies. Even if you sign a contract, the staff will simply give you a list of vacancies with phone numbers and addresses - that's all the help. And your finances for future old age will be transferred to a dubious company.
3. Work from home with minimal investment. You will be offered to work at home for your pleasure: typing from a disk, collecting pens, etc. There are almost no requirements, but there is only one condition: pay for the disk, mail services for the transfer of materials, etc. Only 100-150 rubles. And the money will need to be deposited into a special account (or send an SMS). Thus, the fraudsters collect quite decent amounts from the world. If you want to file a complaint with the police, they will most likely tell you that you are to blame. And they will be partly right. Seeing such an advertisement on the Internet - click the "complain" button so that the site administrators block such job offers in time.
4. Offer to work for a week for free. The internet vacancy looks pretty decent. But at the interview they will tell you that you need to be checked in the case without any payments and entries in the work book. They may not even stretch it for a week, but simply offer to type text on a computer in half an hour, etc. Thus, some private companies are unloading existing employees: no one needs to pay extra, and current problems will be solved. Don't fall for persuasion! To check a candidate for an employee, the law provides for a so-called "probationary period" for a period of up to 3 months, but it must be paid for and drawn up in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
Plunging headlong into the search for work, do not lose your mind and remember your rights. In cases of gross violation of labor laws, do not hesitate to contact the labor inspectorate, having previously recorded the violation and recorded all the data about the employer company.