What clothes to choose for a webinar or online filming? What colors will help to emphasize the face, and which absolutely will not work?

It doesn't matter if you work in the office or at home - the clothes you wear every day will not be suitable for video filming or conducting a seminar. A webcam requires a special approach and special colors. Let's try to figure out what colors the camera likes and what it is better to refrain from.
· Be careful with white and black colors. White color can dominate in brightness - with not very good connection or camera quality, the viewer can see a bright white spot that will draw attention away from the face. Plus, pure white is fat, and you may not look as attractive in front of the camera as in real life. Black, on the other hand, will accentuate a bright or light background, and the person himself may look very pale. The same is true for other dark colors, such as deep purple or dark blue. However, if you have dark skin, maybe dark colors are a great choice.
· Do not wear red or yellow clothes (we are talking about bright colors). Red color can reflect on the face, and yellow color will make visible bruises under the eyes.
· Be careful with bodily tissue. If such clothes merge with the body, you should think about how you can beat them. A great way out is a silk scarf over a nude T-shirt or dress.
· Pay particular attention to the pattern on the clothing. A bright print, especially a small one, will ripple on the camera. Examples of patterns that are unsuccessful for online work: a narrow black and white stripe, a small cage, "Turkish cucumbers", a print "leopard". A dim, low-contrast pattern is good.
· Clothes made of thin, transparent fabrics may show through. The easiest way to find out if you can show yourself in front of the camera in these clothes is to do a camera test. Ask someone to photograph you with a flash, look at the resulting photograph. If the flash did not "shoot through" the fabric - feel free to make an appointment with the client - the video camera will not show anything superfluous either.
Follow these simple guidelines and your webinar or online meeting with a client will go off with a bang.