They sent you a parcel from abroad with fashionable blouses, skirts and trousers. And at the customs they demand to "clear" these clothes. In fact, “customs clearance” (that is, declaring the cargo), although not very simple, is quite within the power of everyone.

Step 1
First of all, understand what the strange concept of "customs clearance" means. Translated into the language of customs officials, this means that you must carry out customs clearance of goods, that is, declare them.
Step 2
Decide at what post you will "customs clearance" your clothes. It must be a post authorized to accept customs declarations. You can file a declaration at any post convenient for you.
Step 3
Please note, we are talking about declaring clothing. Many other cargoes have special clearance points. For example, for jewelry, cars, cigarettes and so on.
Step 4
Next, deal with the registration of a cargo customs declaration (CCD). This is the main document when transporting goods across the border, so take it very seriously. You can find the customs clearance rules at any customs office.
Step 5
Check the correctness of filling in the CCD several times. Your kit should be four sheets. The first is the main one, the format of which is TD 1. And three sheets that contain additional information. Please note that blots and corrections in the declaration are not allowed.
Step 6
Prepare the documents that you will submit along with the declaration. These documents depend not only on what kind of goods you will transport, but also on the purpose of transporting these goods across the border, on the conditions of transportation, and so on. Such documents can be: foreign trade agreement, invoices, packing list, payment documents, shipping documents.
Step 7
Please note: you may also be required to submit documents containing permission from government agencies. For example, certificates: certificate of origin of goods, safety certificate, hygiene certificate and so on.
Step 8
Provide all documents (except certificates) in original version. And certify the photocopies of the certificates with the seal of the authority that issued them to you.
Step 9
Calculate and pay customs payments: customs duty, customs duty for customs clearance, customs duty for storing goods, information and consulting fees, and so on.
Step 10
And lastly, in order to avoid misunderstandings and complications associated with "customs clearance", contact the specialists. They will help you cope with all the nuances of this case.
Good luck in your business and personal life!