Any teacher or educator knows how important it is to establish good rapport with the parents of the pupils. Success in education, as well as in education, and a benevolent, calm atmosphere in the children's team depend on this. Therefore, try to organize this work correctly.

Step 1
When a teacher becomes the homeroom teacher in a new class, he or she should get to know the parents of the students. For this, the teacher, as a rule, draws up a social passport for each family. In it, he indicates information about whether the family is complete, the age and education of the parents, their social status, place of work, position and contact details. If the family has many children or has some benefits (service in hot spots, disability, etc.), be sure to mark this information in the social passport.
Step 2
At the first introductory parent meeting, the teacher must tell about himself, about his requirements for the learning process. This will allow you to avoid misunderstandings in the future, for example, when preparing homework.
Step 3
Parents who know the basic rules and requirements of the teacher will find it easier to monitor their children, for example, check the progress of work on mistakes after each test.
Step 4
It is very good to plan visits to the families of the pupils to build open and trusting relationships. This is necessary in order to understand the conditions in which the child lives, what kind of psychological atmosphere has developed in the family, how children and parents communicate. It is no secret that if a child is constantly under stress, you should not expect academic success or a friendly relationship with peers.
Step 5
At the first meeting, you need to choose the members of the parent committee. It is on them that the teacher will subsequently be able to count on in the event of organizing a class hour or any other school-wide event.
Step 6
Introduce parents to the schedule and topics of parenting meetings planned for the year. Ask which specialists (psychologist, doctors, juvenile affairs officer, etc.) they would like to see at these meetings. Do not forget during such meetings to thank them for the material or other assistance provided to the school and class.
Step 7
Make sure to set up a schedule for one-on-one meetings with the parents so that they can come in private and consult with you about parenting.