Now the educational and upbringing processes are going separately from each other. It can be difficult to combine both activities in a modern school. Often, when a teacher finds out that one of his students smokes, he must decide whether to tell the student's parents or not.

Does the child smoke?
The teacher should give students not only education, but also work with them on education. Now many children are dominated by deviant behavior, that is, a certain deviation from social and moral norms. This includes smoking.
What should a teacher do if he suspects a student's craving for bad habits? First, you shouldn't act rashly and tell your parents about it right away. It may happen that the student emits a tobacco smell, but in fact he did not smoke. This can happen if a student was driving with a dad who smokes. Secondly, if a student is really wasting his health on tobacco smoke, you need to decide how to proceed.
Should parents be told that their child smokes?
It is inappropriate to talk about the teacher's right here. Rather, the question is different. Whether or not to tell mom and dad that their son or daughter smoke. It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally. In one case, it will be appropriate to notify the parents, in the other - to leave them in the dark. Each teacher will act in his own way, or rather according to his education and upbringing. The teacher must combine two qualities: good breeding and education. You can get along with students, but not give good knowledge. The converse is also true. The teacher may be smart, but the students will not listen to his words.
A professional teacher, having noticed a smoking student, must do as his upbringing says. If you ask the question of whether a teacher has the right or should notify parents about their child's bad habits, the answer will be yes. Yes, the teacher has the right to do this, but is not obliged. One must always think about the consequences. By giving this information to parents, you can completely ruin the relationship with the student and aggravate the situation.
You should let the students realize their mistake on their own and voluntarily take the right path.
Informing parents is the last thing a teacher can do. This will speak of his professional unsuitability as an educator.
What happens within the walls of the school should remain there. First, you should always try to resolve the issue within the walls of the school.
If the teacher nevertheless decided to inform the parents that their child smokes, he must do it tete-a-tete. In no case should such information be disclosed in front of other students or parents.