When hiring, some employers require a portfolio. It contains materials that can tell in detail about the achievements and results of a potential employee. A portfolio is a very useful thing, because the employer must evaluate your appearance.

A portfolio is a kind of folder containing your achievements. If the employer does not require the presence of such a dossier, try to provide it anyway, as this will increase your chances of finding a job. But remember that it should contain only high-quality and original material.
Let's say you are a fashion model. Find only the best photos. They should emphasize all the advantages of your appearance. Also, you must reveal your individuality by choosing exactly those images that suit you.
Portfolio photos should be taken by a professional photographer. Using the services of a makeup artist and stylist will only increase your chances of signing a contract with a modeling agency.
Portfolios vary. For example, the standard one. In this case, several images are selected for the model, that is, makeup, clothes, hairstyle, emotions, decor, etc. are changed. In one photo you can depict the femme fatale, in the other - a sweet young lady, in the third - a caring mother.
There is a basic portfolio, it is slightly lower in price than the standard one. Here you do not change the image, this shooting can be called portrait.
If you're a designer, you might also need a portfolio. In this case, you do not need to insert your photos, your projects should be included in the package of materials. You will be most successful if you show your employer or customer the most original work.
There are many professions where a portfolio might be required. This is a journalist, an artist, an architect, and even a bricklayer. It should be borne in mind that a portfolio can be not only in the form of a pile of documents or photographs. Use multimedia files, electronic formats. You can also make a portfolio in the form of a presentation.