Unfortunately, a job change does not always happen at the request of the employee; dismissal can be an initiative of the employer. Immediately after dismissal, you should not panic; it is best to switch to looking for a new job.

You should not cut off the shoulder and spoil relations with colleagues and former bosses. First, understand the reasons for the dismissal. If the employer is cutting down the staff, and you, as a less experienced one, fell under this reduction - treat with understanding, because this is not dictated by the personal whim of the employer, but by the strict requirements of the business. Make sure that you were fired under the correct article and in no case write a letter of resignation of your own free will - according to the law, you are required to pay monetary compensation. If you were fired for inappropriateness for your position, do not self-flagellate, analyze your work in the organization, perhaps you were a lot lazy, wasted time, treated your work carelessly. Understand the reasons that caused such an attitude to work, perhaps you chose the wrong field of activity, or you were not satisfied with the organization of work in the company. Take this into account when looking for a job, ask the questions you are interested in immediately at the interview so that the next time the situation does not happen again. If you disagree with the reason why you were fired, go to court. According to the labor code, an employer cannot fire you without good reason. After the dismissal, take a few days rest, put your thoughts in order. If possible, consult a psychologist to better understand yourself. As soon as you rest, start looking for a new job: write a resume, post it on job sites, study the labor market, respond to vacancies that interest you. or business. It is very important in such a situation not to withdraw into oneself, but to choose a goal and gradually achieve it.