A citizen's right to work can be realized through his service in the internal affairs bodies, which is also subject to the basic principles of labor legislation, although this service is not regulated by the Labor Code.

Step 1
Due to various circumstances, employees are dismissed from the internal affairs bodies ahead of schedule of their own free will. On the initiative of a police officer, his service contract can be terminated ahead of schedule on the same grounds as an employment contract of a citizen: his own desire, state of health, retirement. The only difference is that a citizen writes a letter of resignation to the employer about the dismissal, and the employee writes a letter of dismissal to the boss.
Step 2
If, after serving for a short time, you realized that serving in the police is not your calling, then write a letter of dismissal from service of your own free will and submit it to the head of the internal affairs body who accepted you for service. When the order for dismissal from service is issued, hand over the cases, read the order of dismissal and get a work book.
Step 3
If during the period of service you received an injury or illness that caused a deterioration in health, and you think that you cannot continue to serve in the police, write a report about sending you to the military medical commission (VVK) to establish fitness for service. Get a referral to the IHC and take a survey. If by the conclusion of the IHC you are found unfit or partially fit for service, you are subject to dismissal.
Step 4
Due to limited suitability, an employee is dismissed if it is impossible to transfer to another position corresponding to his state of health. If you are recognized as partially fit for service and do not want to be transferred to another position, then write a letter of dismissal from service in connection with a limited health condition established by the IHC.
Step 5
If you want to quit if you have twenty or more years of calendar or preferential service, submit a letter of resignation from the seniority service, which gives you the right to retire.