The procedure for terminating labor relations is clearly specified in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Her list is exhaustive. You can resign on your own terms only in case of violation of labor legislation by the employer, if the contract is terminated on his initiative, but there is no reason for this.

The procedure for terminating labor relations is specified in article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. All conditions of dismissal are regulated by the Labor Code, and it is inappropriate to dictate your requirements. If the procedure for termination of employment takes place in strict accordance with the law, you cannot demand anything from the employer and put forward your conditions to him.
If the employer violates the current legislation and asks you to resign of your own free will, you have the right to put forward a number of requirements to him that will be most beneficial for you. In particular, you can verbally agree on the payment of a large amount of compensation, on letters of recommendation, on the testimonial that you present to the next employer, etc.
To receive everything that you have orally agreed on, apply only after you have received everything. If the application for dismissal is submitted earlier, the employer will have good reasons to part with you without working off and forget about all agreements. At the same time, you will not even have time to withdraw your application, since the work book and calculation will be issued to you immediately.
When you leave by agreement of the parties, you also have the right to set your own conditions and demand from the employer what you see fit.
The employer accepts additional conditions upon dismissal of an employee only if he has no good reason to leave on his own initiative and terminate the contract unilaterally by applying article No. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
Do not forget that if you are systematically late, truant, come to work in alcoholic, drug intoxication, or use these substances during working hours, perform your duties poorly, and also if you are a financially responsible person and a shortage is found, the employer has the right to terminate the contract in unilaterally. In this case, it is completely inappropriate to dictate your terms.
If an act of violation is drawn up, a written punishment is issued, an explanation is received from you, a punishment order is issued, the employment contract is terminated on the initiative of the employer unilaterally. At the same time, neither the court, nor the labor inspectorate, nor the prosecutor's office will consider the dismissal illegal.