How To Draw A Fire Escape Plan

How To Draw A Fire Escape Plan
How To Draw A Fire Escape Plan

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According to GOST R 12.2.143-2002, the plan for the evacuation of people in case of fire should consist of a graphic and a text part. The graphic part takes into account the floor planning solutions of a particular building, structure, reliability, size and type of communication routes. In addition, when drawing up a diagram, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of people's behavior in case of danger, and therefore, to calculate the power of the human flow along possible evacuation routes.

How to draw a fire escape plan
How to draw a fire escape plan


Step 1

Take the floor plan of the building as the basis for the graphic part of the evacuation plan. Please note that if the floor area is more than 1000 square meters, then it is necessary to split its sections and draw a separate diagram for each of them. If the floor plan is available only in paper form, then scan it and use the bitmap as a background for the electronic evacuation plan.

Step 2

Go around all the rooms located on the floor, inspect them. Mark on the plan the locations of telephones, fire extinguishing equipment, automatic fire alarms, fire hydrants, main, emergency and emergency exits. For each room, indicate the number of people permanently in it and the estimated average number of visitors, if they are expected to be present in this room.

Step 3

Inspect and check all main, escape and emergency exits for size and reliability. Note the presence of smoke suppressants and ventilation.

Step 4

Draw a floor plan in any graphics program. Consider the estimated size of your paper copy. For storey and sectional evacuation plans, it must be at least 600x400 mm so that it is well read and perceived visually. A local evacuation plan from a separate room can be 400x300 mm in size.

Step 5

Think over options for exit routes from each room, taking into account the flow of people, the size of the communication paths. Consider also those streams that can form on the upper floors. Use the solid green arrows to mark the main recommended floor paths for each individual room. Draw emergency escape routes with dotted green arrows.

Step 6

On the diagram, mark the locations of telephones, fire hydrants, fire extinguishing equipment and fire-fighting automation systems with conventional signs. Indicate the locations of the main, emergency and emergency exits. Be sure to indicate the place on the plan that corresponds to the location of this scheme. On your signs. A list of conventional symbols should be provided under the graphic part.
