Fire extinguishing begins with the reception of a message about the fire by the dispatcher or radiotelephone operator of the fire department or systems 112, 01. In Russia, women most often come to get this position. Despite the seeming simplicity of their work, their service is important and has a lot of nuances.

The radiotelephone operator in the fire department not only answers incoming phone calls. This position implies a number of responsibilities that must be fulfilled without question. Starting on the day on duty, a person must find out operational information from a changing colleague - information about changes in the operational situation (blocked passages, non-working fire hydrants and reservoirs, planned repair work in the exit area, if they were reported), sends a drill note to the higher unit (the number of firefighters who took over the shift, what military equipment is in the calculation, how many fire extinguishing agents - water and foam concentrate in it, how many respiratory protection equipment will be in the next 24 hours in the unit).
While on duty, you have to perform administrative and managerial work - to receive messages from guarded objects about changes in the operational situation, report on this to the leadership, inform the personnel of the orders of the chief of the guard (shift) and perform the tasks of the superiors within the competence.
Having taken over the duty, the radiotelephone operator for 24 hours lives according to the daily routine established in the fire department. Routine work in the form of collecting information from the departure area is replaced by hours during which it is necessary to engage in self-education. Every day, both the dispatcher and the firefighters listen to lectures, write notes. Topics - the study of guidelines, work with the equipment, tools, cars available in the department.
The dispatcher has breaks for breakfast, lunch and dinner. If it becomes necessary to leave the communication panel, it is replaced by a replacement - a firefighter who has been trained in this position and has a permit.
Work of a radiotelephone operator in case of fire
At the moment of receiving a call about a fire, there is no trace of a measured solution of everyday problems. When filling out a voucher for the departure of the department or guard to the place of the call, the dispatcher must clarify with the applicant a number of nuances:
- where the fire brigade should arrive;
- if possible, clarify immediately what is burning;
- name and telephone number of the applicant. If the other end of the tube refuses to communicate this data, the radiotelephone operator still presses the alarm button and sends firefighters to the specified address.
While the cars are moving, the operator notifies the management of the departure, in accordance with internal requirements. To exchange information with departing departments, radio stations have been installed in the unit's communications center (PSC, CPPS) - this allows you to quickly receive messages from working units. Each fire department has its own call sign. Including, digital call signs are available for combat vehicles and operational persons taking part in extinguishing a fire and eliminating emergency situations, the consequences of an accident.
From the head of extinguishing the fire at the radio station, orders are received that the employee is obliged to follow - to send an ambulance to the place, the police (if it is necessary to open doors and gates, there are suspicions of arson or people died in the fire), life support services, additional fire brigades, etc. depending on the situation at the fire. All information is recorded in special journals, recorded on tape recorders, and communicated to interested parties.
In the evening, the radiotelephony routine allows you to escape from the routine. It is allowed to devote an hour to watching television programs, in particular, the news release. At the same time, information is collected from objects that are under the protection of the fire department - the number of people at night, children, while hospitals report the presence and number of lying patients.
Labor law obliges to send a radiotelephone operator to rest at night. From 2 am to 6 am, the employee must sleep. At this time there is a substitute in the control room. This room does not remain without staff for a minute. The morning begins with hygiene procedures, breakfast, preparation of the workplace - cleaning and gathering information.
Fire protection is a complex system. Employees who take over on duty days are links of a single organism, and the quality of the implementation of the tasks assigned to the units of the federal fire service of the EMERCOM of Russia depends on each.