Communication with superiors, direct and higher, is an integral part of any production process. The best option for business communication is to treat all colleagues equally respectfully and politely, regardless of position. Such people are most often respected by everyone, including bosses.

Step 1
The first thing to never forget is that at work, the vast majority of conversations should be about business. This does not negate the need to sometimes defuse the situation, which you can also be the initiator of. But a sense of proportion was still not superfluous for anyone. Better yet, when such an initiative comes from the boss.
Step 2
Try to refer to the manual mainly on business issues and be brief. Identify the problem, its causes, suggest solutions. If the manager asks you about something, be ready to answer to the point, focusing on the most important.
Step 3
If you are summoned to the carpet and you are really to blame, you should admit your guilt, make it clear that you had no intentions to harm and offer an option to correct the situation.
Step 4
Politeness and the basics of business etiquette will not hurt when dealing with anyone. At work, you should not stoop to tram rudeness, even if they are rude to you. It is possible to put in place a tyrant, including a boss, while remaining within the bounds of decency.
Step 5
But this does not mean that one should resignedly endure insults and humiliations. If your boss is behaving in an unacceptable way towards you, there is no obstacle to pointing out this to him.
Nothing worse than being fired will happen to you, and working under the guidance of an inadequate person is not a big loss. The more likely outcome is that the boss will continue to behave with you more respectfully, and recoup someone else.
Step 6
Often the question arises as to how to refer to the leadership - to "you" or "you". If there is no rigid corporate directive (usually, if any, prescribes everyone to "you" and by name and patronymic), proceed from which option the boss himself prefers. Cases when the boss and the subordinate are mutually on "you" are not so rare, but it is better when the initiative for the transition to this comes from the top.