Communication with colleagues is an inevitable part of any production process. The optimal demeanor is equal respect (at least outwardly) to everyone, regardless of the place of each colleague in the corporate hierarchy - from the cleaning lady and the watchman to the general director and his deputies. Currying favor with the authorities while demonstrating superiority over subordinates causes only contempt.

It is necessary
- - knowledge of the standards of business etiquette and generally accepted norms of politeness;
- - respect for yourself and others;
- - self-esteem.
Step 1
The choice of a personal pronoun ("you" or "you") when referring to a colleague, subordinate or boss is determined, first of all, by the way it is accepted in the company. Although even with the variant on "you" and by name and patronymic (usually practiced in the civil service and companies run by former officials or officers), in most cases it is not considered reprehensible to communicate on "you" with a person with whom you have a friendship or a long-standing acquaintance unless specifically prohibited by corporate rules.
Step 2
It is optimal to introduce yourself a personal taboo on raising your voice, insults, various value judgments, even neutral and, at first glance, harmless. "You are wrong" is also an assessment, as opposed to "I disagree on such and such grounds." Even the inconsistency of something with corporate norms is preferable in some cases to indicate by mentioning this very norm. If anyone, including your boss, admits any of the above, you have every right to politely (and should) point out the inadmissibility of this in relation to you. Most likely, this installation of yours will be considered by the guide. Otherwise, the maximum - they will offer to write a letter of resignation, and the place of work where the tyrant bosses are kept - a small loss.
Step 3
Whatever the reason for communication, it is recommended not to forget that you are at work (even during a corporate party or other informal event), where business always comes first. This means that it is necessary to communicate on business: briefly, succinctly, for what reason you applied, what you want, what solutions do you see, etc. If we have contacted you on a work issue, give the interlocutor comprehensive information. If the question is not in your competence, please report it and, if you can, recommend a colleague who owns it.
Step 4
In working communication, words such as "thank you", "sorry", "unfortunately", etc. will never be superfluous.