How To Talk On The Phone With Clients

How To Talk On The Phone With Clients
How To Talk On The Phone With Clients

Table of contents:


Each company may have its own corporate standards for telephone communication. But, differing in individual, mostly insignificant nuances, on the whole they fit into the generally recognized norms of business etiquette. At the heart of telephone and any business negotiations is the setting that you conduct them not on your own behalf, but on behalf of the company.

How to talk on the phone with clients
How to talk on the phone with clients

It is necessary

knowledge of ethical norms and corporate standards


Step 1

In some companies, it is customary to introduce yourself by name when answering incoming calls. This usually applies to employees of call centers, support services and other service structures. But more often than not, it is enough to mention the name of the company or division.

The corporate standard of customer-oriented companies often makes the questions "how can I help you?", "How can I be useful?" and the like. Again, this applies primarily to service departments.

Step 2

If you call the client, you must introduce yourself. It is necessary to voice the name of the company, the rest of the set of identifiers (name and surname, position and others, for example, operator number) - depending on the corporate instructions or at personal discretion.

Step 3

When the call comes from you, ask if the customer is comfortable talking. If not, arrange to call at a more convenient time.

State the essence of the matter briefly, clearly, ask the available questions, voice your proposals. Listen carefully to the answers.

At the end of the conversation, apologize if your proposal did not suit the client. Agree on interaction with a positive development of events. Whatever the case, thank the other person for their time.

Step 4

If you are answering a customer's call, listen carefully to what they want. Solve the issue on your own, if it is in your competence, or redirect it according to your affiliation.

Step 5

If the client is rude, insulting, threatening, this is not a reason to answer him in kind. By his behavior, he makes it worse for himself, and not for you. But the company can always use it against him in the event of a conflict. Your weapon is politeness and equanimity. By the way, this applies not only to business negotiations.
