Bans For The Leader

Bans For The Leader
Bans For The Leader

The belief that the boss can do anything is erroneous and dangerous. By allowing yourself to relax, it is easy to lose credibility in the eyes of subordinates, and this will not slow down to negatively affect the affairs of the organization.

Bans for the leader
Bans for the leader

A boss who respects himself and his subordinates will never:

Be late for work. It is better to forget about the saying “The bosses are not late, the bosses are late” once and for all. In addition to the fact that this will displease subordinates and serve as a reason for them to violate discipline, such behavior can have an extremely negative effect on the work process: a situation can always arise when the presence of management is necessary

Engage in private affairs in the workplace during working hours. This provides food for unwanted gossip and undermines authority in the eyes of subordinates

Raise your voice. Remember: "Jupiter, you are angry - then you are wrong." The scream betrays the weakness and powerlessness of a person, his inability to keep the situation under control, he is akin to hysteria. On the contrary, a calm business tone is conducive to constructive dialogue, instills confidence in subordinates and commands respect

Talk about superiors. Never discuss your leadership with subordinates - this gives rise to unnecessary conversations and makes subordinates think of you as a weak leader, unable to solve their problems on their own
