Encouraging employees is a significant component of the manager's management activities. They motivate employees to further improve their work performance. You should be rewarded for doing work in excess of the norm and for high quality work.

Step 1
First of all, you should think carefully about which type of incentive is applicable to the organization. It is influenced by the size of the organization's allowance fund.
If your organization has a small bonus fund, then you will have to carefully rank the merits of the promoted employees. It is necessary to develop an incentive system. Trade union members can be involved in this. In this way, it will be possible to observe democracy when making a decision. The incentive system should be clearly spelled out in the company's charter.
Step 2
Both moral and material incentives should be used. These types can also be combined. Moral types of encouragement include oral gratitude, presentation of a diploma, placement on the honor board. It boosts employee self-esteem and sets a good example for other employees.
Material types of incentives include cash bonuses, gifts, travel. They are much more effective than moral ones. For the majority of employees, remuneration is much more important than a certificate.
Step 3
A good knowledge of psychology will help a leader understand the nature of subordinates and make a choice in favor of the type of encouragement that is best applied to a specific employee.
All incentives are carried out through an order, which, orally or in writing, must be conveyed to the team.
Step 4
The calculation of the amount of material incentives is made, as a rule, based on the employee's salary. Typically, an employee's bonus ranges from 30 to 70% of his monthly salary.
The payment procedure is determined in each organization at the discretion of the head.