Every employer has the right, but is not obliged to apply a system of moral and material incentives at his enterprise. Awarding a certificate of honor is one of the types of encouragement of a moral character. Currently, this procedure does not require agreement with the trade union body.

Step 1
At the enterprise, it is desirable to create a local normative act, which will clearly regulate the criteria for evaluating employees, the entire rewarding procedure and describe the methods of remuneration. In this case, the employer will have an obligation to apply incentive measures when specific circumstances arise. Thus, an employee can be awarded a certificate of honor for impeccable and conscientious work in one team for a certain number of years.
Step 2
An application for this incentive for an employee is submitted by the head of the department in which the employee is located. A submission is drawn up on it and sent to the head of the company. Most often this is a simple formality that requires only the director's signature. In the submission, write the surname, name, patronymic of the applicant, position, work experience at this enterprise, a brief description of merits, compiled according to the personal file.
Step 3
The period for which this petition must be sent to personnel workers is also determined in the local normative act "Regulations on the Certificate of Honor". If there is no such provision, then usually this period is at least two weeks.
Step 4
If the decision is positive, an order is issued on behalf of the general director. The text itself must be included in the letterhead.
Step 5
The personnel department of the enterprise must enter information on the awarding of an honorary diploma in a personal file, as well as in a work book in accordance with article 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This is important, since certificates of honor refer to the insignia, according to which an employee can be awarded the title of "Veteran of Labor".
Step 6
A diploma is awarded in a solemn atmosphere at a general meeting of the collective. The majority of enterprises practice supporting the diploma with monetary incentives. The amount of the award can be spelled out in the "Certificate of Honor", but most often remains at the discretion of the head of the unit.