In accordance with the law "On the Procedure for Considering Applications of Citizens of the Russian Federation", each of us has the right to apply with a request to any organization on any issue of interest to you.

Step 1
Depending on the purposes of the appeal, this organization may be the archive of the registry office, the tax office, the archive of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the personnel department of the enterprise, the court office, the city administration, etc.
Step 2
You can make a request in writing or electronically, send it by mail, fax or fill out the appropriate form on the website of the organization you are contacting.
Step 3
If you are making a request in writing, write in the upper right corner the name of the organization and its legal address, the name and position of the person in charge, in whose name you are making the request (if necessary). Next, enter your full name, postal address (with zip code) and contact phone number.
Step 4
In the substantive part of the request, explain what information or certified copies of what documents you need, and on what issue. List all your questions in a numbered list or list the documents you need.
Step 5
Attach to your request certified copies of the documents required for your request to be considered. In any case, you will need a certified copy of your passport.
Step 6
Send your request by certified mail with notification, fax or e-mail (with attached scanned documents). Please note: when sending a request by e-mail or fax, you should immediately call this organization back and make sure that the letter has been received.
Step 7
If you decide to contact the organization with a request by accessing its website, fill out the appropriate form and click the "Send" button.
Step 8
You must receive a response to your request within 10 days from the date of its receipt by the addressee. After this period, be sure to contact a representative of the organization by phone and find out the reason for the delay, after which either make another request, or go to court with a complaint.