The compilation of a performance profile is most often the responsibility of the personnel department. Despite the fact that a special form is not provided for the characteristic, there are several points that must be necessarily reflected in the employee's characteristic.

It is necessary
standard sheet of A4 paper; organization seal
Step 1
The first thing to do when compiling a performance specification is to determine for what purpose it is being compiled. This will make it possible to focus the attention of a potential reader on precisely those facts and abilities of the employee that are needed in each specific case. Describes the characteristics of the 3rd person of the past or present tense.
Step 2
The design of the heading part.
The performance heading states:
• name of the document (Characteristics);
• the name of the organization that provided the testimonial;
• employee's position;
• The surname, name and patronymic of the employee are fully in the nominative case.
Step 3
Registration of the questionnaire part.
The first paragraph of the characteristics contains the employee's personal data:
• Last name (in full), first name and patronymic (initials);
• Date of Birth;
• Education with an indication of graduated educational institutions;
• Specialty or profession of the employee;
• Title or academic degree (if any);
Step 4
Registration of data on the employee's career.
The employee's work activity in the work characteristic is reflected in the following sequence:
• In what year and in what position the employee began his labor activity in this organization (if necessary, previous places of work are indicated here in reverse chronology);
• Information about the employee's career moves within the same organization (when and where he was transferred);
• The results of the employee's labor activity (his personal achievements, as well as participation in joint projects);
Step 5
Registration of data on the professional competence of the employee.
This part of the characteristic is intended to assess the business and personal qualities of the employee, manifested during employment in this company.
Step 6
Decoration of the final part.
In the conclusion, the purpose of drawing up the performance characteristics is indicated (the employee profile is drawn up for presentation …). The signature of the head is certified by the seal of the organization.
The date of compilation of the characteristics is put on the left under the signatures.
A working characteristic is drawn up in 2 copies - the original is sent for sending, a copy is saved in the organization.