What Organization Can Help With Document Recovery

What Organization Can Help With Document Recovery
What Organization Can Help With Document Recovery

A person receives the first document at birth. With age, they become more and more, they are often lost. Recovering lost documents is a simple process, but quite troublesome, requiring a lot of patience and costs.

filling out documents
filling out documents

Recovery of lost documents

If you lose any documents for their restoration, you must apply to the very authority to which it was originally issued.

To restore lost documents, all instances require a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or another document proving the identity of the applicant. If a trusted person will restore the document, you must issue a notarized power of attorney.

Recover passport

In case of loss of a passport, they go with an application to the local department of the FMS at the place of residence. Usually the FMS office is located on the territory of the district police station. A temporary passport will be issued here, indicating the reason for the loss of the document.

Further, with a temporary passport, you must contact the housing office at the place of registration and write an application according to the provided sample. Here they will write out a notification about the loss of the passport. It is advisable on the same day to submit an application to the passport office for the restoration of the passport, providing 4 photos 3, 5x4, 5 and a receipt for payment of the state duty. At the same time, the owner of the lost passport must submit an announcement to the newspaper about the loss of the document, indicating in the announcement his full name, number and series of the missing passport. Having applied for the restoration of a passport at the place of residence, it remains to wait - the issuance of a finished document is carried out within 10 days from the date of submission to the FMS department of a full package of documents.

Recover birth certificate

By contacting the registry office, you can restore the birth certificate. Where the lost certificate was registered - there it is worth contacting for its restoration. Here it is necessary to write an application according to the sample, attach the original / copy of the passport and a receipt for payment of the state duty to it. A child's lost document can be restored by his parents or guardians by a notarized power of attorney. A similar procedure is carried out in case of loss of a marriage certificate, only the documents of both spouses are attached and the state duty is paid from each. A duplicate of these certificates is issued within 24 hours.

Restore driver's license

You need to go to the district traffic police to get your driver's license restored. Attach a medical certificate of health, two photographs 3, 5x4, 5 and a driver's examination card to the application. To restore the vehicle registration certificate, you can contact the territorial division of the MREO, which issued the lost document.
