The presence of a work book and its correct execution plays a huge role for both the employee and the employer. It contains information about the employee's work activities, which are subsequently used to register and calculate his pension. For the employer, the work book is necessary to calculate the work and insurance experience when calculating certain payments.

Currently, they use work books of the 2004 sample. An employer who hires an employee should arrange it correctly. All entries, including those contained on the title page, must be entered in full, without any abbreviations. The correct design of the work book plays an important role for the employee. Information about previous jobs, if there was a career growth, will help the employee with further employment. When choosing an employee, the employer takes into account the status of the positions held by him, as well as the work experience of the vacancy. If you worked as a sales manager, you have made a corresponding record, then the employer for the manager's vacancy would rather take you than, for example, an engineer or a locksmith. When the employee has reached retirement age, the work book should be submitted to the pension fund. The information contained in it serves to calculate the length of service for the further calculation of the pension. If the name of the enterprise where he worked is incorrectly entered in the work book, the pension fund has the right to invalidate this entry. Thus, labor activity in that organization will drop out of the calculation of seniority, and the calculation of wages in this company will not be included in the appointment of a pension. If you notice an inaccuracy in the date of admission / dismissal, the name of the company, position, structural unit, inform the employer about it. He is obliged to correct the incorrect entry in accordance with the rules for maintaining work books. The accountant of the organization uses the entries in the work book to calculate the insurance period. It is necessary when paying sick leave for employees. The amount of sick leave, pregnancy and childbirth benefits depends on the length of service of the employee. If the employee's work experience is up to 5 years, he is charged with temporary disability payment in the amount of 30% of the salary, if from 5 to 8 years - 50%, if from 8 and above - 80%.