Each organization should keep records of employment contracts with employees. This is an internal document, but the labor inspectorate can check its existence and maintenance at any time, and if it detects violations, the employer will face problems. However, keeping this record is not so difficult, the main thing is to do it in a timely manner and comply with the minimum formal requirements.

It is necessary
- - regulation on the registration of employment contracts;
- - journal of registration of labor contracts.
Step 1
It is necessary to start with the development and approval of the regulation on the accounting of labor contracts. This is a generic document that can be easily found and downloaded on the Internet, and then edited to suit the needs of the organization. For example, in terms of the principles of assigning a number to the document itself during its conclusion and entries in the journal of employment contracts. In the latter case, there is no strict legal requirement. The employer can either start a new journal annually, starting the numbering of the documents entered into it from one, or keep this register until the pages run out, and start a new one from the number following the last one in the previous one. This is especially convenient for small and medium-sized enterprises, where the number of employees and contracts with them is small.
Step 2
The document is printed on the letterhead of the organization indicating its name and location.
In the upper part there is a place for the manager's visa: the word "I approve", below the field for the date, signature (after the name of the manager's position) and its decoding. The seal of the organization is also put here. If there is a legal department or service at the enterprise, the document is endorsed by this department. A logging form is also attached to it. If there are several pages (and this is usually the case), they are stitched, sealed with the signature of the responsible person with its decoding, position, date and seal of the enterprise.
Step 3
After the approval of the Regulations, it is necessary to start the logbook itself in strict accordance with the requirements specified in the Regulations. As a rule, it contains information about the record number, the date of conclusion of the contract, position, surname, first name and patronymic of the employee, the date of the entry, the grounds for making it (order of the manager for hiring), data on changes and termination of the contract with the date and grounds. Here the employee signs that he received his copy of the employment contract.