Different circumstances can be the reason for a person's absence from work. The reasons can be valid or not entirely, and the second case can be a reason for a reprimand, in the worst case - for dismissal.

Most common reasons
If circumstances develop in such a way that you had to skip your working day, notify your superiors in advance. Absence from the workplace for a good reason is generally accepted by the employer. What reasons can be considered valid?
First, if an employee is suddenly ill. However, the fact of illness must be recorded in a personal outpatient card and a confirmation certificate must be provided to the authorities later. Medical certificates are a compelling argument in favor of your absence from the workplace for a certain period of time.
Secondly, family circumstances can be considered a good reason. For example, if an employee has a minor child. The necessary medical certificates will also have to be provided to the authorities. By the way, the abstract reason "for family reasons" is the most demanded of all. With this formulation, as a rule, no one asks to specify family circumstances.
Thirdly, repair or emergency work carried out in the employee's home is also a reason for being absent from work. Naturally, this can be a good reason if the emergency work involved providing access to the apartment for repairmen. However, this does not apply to the installation of equipment or the production of repairs by the employee himself.
Other options
If a person was absent from the workplace due to participation in legal proceedings as a plaintiff, this is also a valid reason. According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the summons and appeals of the courts are obligatory for all, without exception, and are subject to strict observance. Please be aware that personal visits to other government agencies are not a valid excuse to be absent from the workplace.
If the employer forgot to warn the employee that he needs to appear at the workplace at some specific time, then this will not be considered absenteeism either. This also applies to a situation when an employee was not notified of a change in his workplace.
If you do not want to go to work, and there is no good reason for this, you can simply take a vacation at your own expense. Of course, this will not affect wages for the better, but this will not be a reason to come up with excuses and seek confirmation of them in documentary form.