How To Increase Sales Growth

How To Increase Sales Growth
How To Increase Sales Growth

Table of contents:


If you want to be successful in sales, never stop there. Do you have a stable client base, are you getting a good income from your business? Use your successes for further development.

How to increase sales growth
How to increase sales growth


  • - analysis of marketing strategy;
  • - financial report (data on profit);
  • - advertising of various types;
  • - work with personnel.


Step 1

To increase your sales growth, conduct a large-scale analysis of your work. Explore the strengths and weaknesses of your business strategy. For example, you have a brilliant marketing plan, each offer is a real boon for the buyer, but the advertising campaign does not reflect all the benefits, but focuses on another, less important aspect.

Step 2

After correcting the shortcomings identified during the audit, develop an action plan in three directions: increasing the effectiveness of advertising, creating a more favorable environment for the consumer, improving the quality of customer service. By investing some of the profits in developing these aspects, avoid imbalance. For example, you ran stunning promotions, and visitors came to your store but did not find enough deals that were good enough for them. Or, as a result of an influx of customers, your staff did not cope with the volume of work and people were unhappy with the quality of service.

Step 3

Do not chase excess profits - a rapid rise is always followed by a sharp decline. If you want to provide your company with a stable, dynamic and constant growth in sales, then increase the pace of development gradually. This is especially true for small firms whose budget is strictly limited.

Step 4

Based on the profit margins, determine how much you can allocate for advertising, how much discount you can give to highly valuable customers, and how much you can spend on improving the quality of service.

Step 5

The modern market offers a lot of promising conditions not only for the consumer, but also for the manufacturer. Being on a limited budget, at the initial stage, give up expensive outdoor advertising. Better to run an effective and memorable promotion on social networks or on various popular thematic resources. Advertising can be built according to the traditional principle, or it can be built according to the network model (invite a friend - get a bonus).

Step 6

As you work to create a better experience for consumers, study the offers and promotions of your competitors so as not to duplicate them. Do not be afraid to experiment, try to negotiate joint activities with a related business. For example, when buying stationery from your partners, customers will receive special tokens that they can exchange for a discount at your bookstore. Your colleagues have their regular customers who buy their products all the time, and, having received bonuses, will be interested in your offer, or at least visit your store.

Step 7

This is where the level of service is key. The buyer, coming for the first time, will want to return to you if he is satisfied with the quality of the product, assortment and service (the seller is polite, sociable, has all the necessary information about the product and can give qualified advice, help with choosing a product).
