Tenant's Rights To Living Quarters In A Hostel

Tenant's Rights To Living Quarters In A Hostel
Tenant's Rights To Living Quarters In A Hostel

The peculiarity of owning living space in a hostel under a lease agreement depends, first of all, on the type of the hostel itself. So, there are hostels: for single, family, mixed, student, military, etc. (depending on the residents), and also allocate corridor or sectional dormitories (according to the technical characteristics of the building).

Tenant's rights to living quarters in a hostel
Tenant's rights to living quarters in a hostel

Living space in hostels can be distributed among residents by apartment, room by room, or depending on the norm of square meters per person ("bed", that is, the non-isolated part of the room).

Housing provision rates depend on the categories of tenants. So, a lonely citizen can be provided with a part of the room, and a family - only an isolated living space.

As a rule, living in a hostel is temporary, they live there during the period of work, service, training.

In a hostel of any kind, the tenant uses not only the living space provided to him, but also a common kitchen, sanitary facilities, storage rooms, etc. The right to have comfortable living quarters is provided for by the Russian Constitution.

The tenant of a dwelling in a hostel can only be a citizen and only one who has the right to housing in connection with work, service or study. The landlord can be the owner of a specialized dwelling.

Currently, within the framework of Russian legislation on the privatization of the housing stock, the registration of residential areas in private ownership in hostels that have lost their state or municipal status continues. The owner of a room or apartment in a hostel retains the rights to use all common areas.

In some situations, the law prohibits the eviction of the tenant and his family members from residential premises in the hostel without providing other housing, and they may require recognition of their right to indefinite (permanent) residence in the hostel.
