How To Evict A Tenant From An Apartment

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How To Evict A Tenant From An Apartment
How To Evict A Tenant From An Apartment

Video: How To Evict A Tenant From An Apartment

Video: How To Evict A Tenant From An Apartment
Video: How to Evict a Tenant from a Rental Property 2024, October

What to do when an unscrupulous tenant lives in your apartment, and how to get rid of him? Is it realistic to do this without breaking the law, or not? It turns out yes, and this can be done with the help of eviction.

How to evict a tenant from an apartment
How to evict a tenant from an apartment


Step 1

The main reasons for the eviction of the tenant from the apartment are late payment of rent or evasion of its payment; non-observance of the terms of the concluded lease agreement: renting the apartment by the tenant, keeping animals, organizing brothels, and the like, when these violations are prohibited and spelled out in the agreement you have concluded; causing damage to both the apartment itself and the property in it, which significantly reduces the cost of the apartment; untimely release of the apartment after the expiration of the lease term or after repeated notification by the landlord about the termination of the contract.

Step 2

So, the step-by-step instructions for evicting an unscrupulous tenant from your apartment is as follows: draw up a notice of termination of the lease agreement, in which you write down the reason for the termination of the contract, and if the tenant does not pay rent or has caused damage to property, then indicate the period in which he must pay off the existing debt or compensate for the damage caused otherwise he will be evicted.

Step 3

Bring this notice to the tenant under his personal signature and preferably in the presence of witnesses, indicating the date and time of delivery (the term for vacating the rented premises is provided by law for 15 days to two months).

Step 4

If the tenant ignored the terms of the release of the apartment specified in the notification and communicated to him personally or refused to pay the rent, then file a lawsuit against the tenant. In this claim, do not forget to indicate the specific reasons for the eviction, the measures you have taken and your requirements (a specific amount of debt, a certificate from competent organizations about the property or moral damage caused to you, and so on).

Step 5

When you receive a notice of subpoena, do not forget to attend the hearing of your case or give additional explanations. The maximum period for consideration of your claim (complaint) is up to 14 days and, as a rule, the court will decide in your favor.

Step 6

Remember that changing the locks on the front door, blocking access to the premises (building), taking the tenant's property out onto the street (or taking it out to another place), disconnecting utilities, contributes to the fact that the tenant will file a counterclaim against you and you will be attracted to responsibility.
